Daily Afternoon Talks
Most Loving Animals
Growing Up Quick
Our first crop of buck fawns starting to grow their first set!!!
NADeFA Show 2014
Patrick and Dustin with friend and deer farmer Casey Jones of Legends Whitetails of Florida
First Class Coming Home
Patrick and Dustin pickup and measure First Class for the first time and bring him to BFD Farms, with friend and assistant Jake Marbais.
BFD Farms' First Booth
Our first handmade booth for SeTDA Show 2014 thrown together quickly to have a display of some of our boys.
Fawn Love
Two newborn bottle fed fawns getting to know each other.
Thirsty Fawns
Bottle fed buck fawn making himself at home.
Picture Perfect
Two buck fawns hanging out between feedings.
Its a hard life!!
Fawns getting some rest in their favorite spot.
Dress Up Time!!
A bottle fed girl loves to dress up for holidays.
Southern Impact @ 1
Patrick and Dustin have to measure and cut rack on Southern Impact due to damage and prevention of infection.
Sonic Boom "Gentle Giant"
All of our deer are visited daily with treats and love to get them to feel as calm as possible around us.
BFD Farms Wins NADEFA Largest ever Typical Yearling
BFD Farms and Silverstone Whitetails Win for FLA
BFD Tea Bag @2
Sonic Boom loving treats
Sonic Boom tired of the heat
Southern Impact the gentle giant

*Be sure to hover over pictures for captions for each.*

Pictures by Juan_Alvaro photostream Taken from flickr, under creative common. If you keep any of these pictures in your final website, please keep this credit too, thanks


16402 Johns Lake Rd,

Clermont, FL 34711

T: Patrick at 321-231-3081

T: Dustin at 407-468-2934


B.F.D. Farms 

Home of The Blues Brothers Yearlings

and their mother!!